About: Capt. Jeffrey W. Monroe

- Role : Master Mariner
- Website : http://madconnell.com
- Experience : 35 yrs
- Courses Submitted : 1 CPE
- Specialist in : MM, MTM, CPE
Captain Jeffrey Monroe, Master Mariner, Master-Transportation Management, has 35 years’ experience in the port and transportation industries, and served as Vice President of Transportation Services North America for the MacDonnell Group, based in Portland, Maine. He is the former Director of the Department of Ports and Transportation for the City of Portland, Maine where he supervised the development and operations of the Port of Portland, Portland International Jetport and Greater Portland surface transportation programs.
Prior to joining the City he was Deputy Port Director for the Massachusetts Port Authority, Director of the Center for Maritime Training and Associate Professor at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy, Executive Director of the Governor’s Commission on Commonwealth Port Development under Governor Weld of Massachusetts and Assistant Professor and first director of the Center for Simulated Marine Operations at the State University of New York Maritime College. His professional experience also includes positions as Director of Marine Operations for Oceanic Marine Management and all capacities as deck officer including master in the U.S. Merchant Marine.
Capt. Monroe is a 1976 graduate of Maine Maritime Academy and earned a master’s degree from the State University of New York in transportation management. He holds an Unlimited Master Mariner’s license, served as a ship’s master and has numerous professional certifications.
Captain Monroe serves as an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security as Chairman of the National Maritime Security Advisory Committee (NMSAC), and is a member of the Port Security Conference of Canada (PSCC) Advisory Council. He was until recently the Chairman of the Navigation Safety Advisory Council, reporting to the Commandant of the United States Coast Guard. He was on the State of Maine Governor’s Tourism Funding Task Force and Canada Advisory Council, is a former president of the North Atlantic Ports Association, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of Greater Portland METRO and former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Maritime Industry Museum in New York. He is currently a member of the Board of Visitors of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy and Maine Maritime Academy and is a published author and has appeared as a maritime expert on various television programs including several segments for the Discovery Channel and the Arts and Entertainment Network. He and has also been an instructor of transportation planning at the Muskie School of Government, University of Southern Maine and Meteorology at the Boston Museum of Science.
In addition to his undergraduate and graduate experience Capt. Monroe has managed and presented training programs for civilian and military professionals related to transportation, port operations, logistics and operations. Course programs included participants from numerous commercial international ocean shipping companies and vessel operators, the United States Military Sealift Command, United States Navy Reserve and the United States Coast Guard. He has also designed course programs for undergraduate and post graduate training in transportation and logistics and designed and managed laboratories aboard the training ships at the State University of New York Maritime College and the Massachusetts Maritime Academy.
His project activities include in the Port of Portland, Maine-Waterfront Master Plans, Ocean Gateway Marine Passenger and Ferry Terminal; Port Access Corridor, Greater Portland Transit District Route Study, International Marine Cargo Terminal Master Plan and Track Access Plan; Port of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Waterfront Master Plan; City of Portland, Maine Airport Master Plan and Transportation Corridor Study and Improvement Project; State of Maine/ Portland Transportation Center and Highway/Road Access Improvement Plan; Commonwealth of Massachusetts Port Access and Freight Study; Port of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, Master Plan; Goldsboro LNG and Petrochemical Business Plan; Port of Boston, MA-Conley Terminal Container Expansion and Seaport Roadway Corridor Study; Moran Terminal Autoport Project and Access Plan; Black Falcon Cruise Terminal Improvements and Roadway Improvements; Port of Boston Waterfront Master and Economic Development Plan; Massport Strategic Management and Development Plan.