Seaports Press Review
Seaports Press Review
Port Managers Training for Competitiveness: Philadelphia Hosts Port Management Program
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
PHILADELPHIA – In an industry as dynamic and competitive as the maritime seaport industry, how do you ensure you have the most effective workforce? Recruit, retrain, and retain. Ports around the world must recruit, retrain, and retain management personnel to allow marine transportation systems to remain competitive. And given the vital link seaports play in the global supply chain, it is crucial that our North American ports stay competitive.
Training and professional development opportunities are important tools for business executives in managing sustainable and competitive operations in the maritime and port industry. The seaport industry has significant training for compliance with security regulations, but the industry was lacking an all-encompassing solution for port management executives. MacDonnell Group, of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is offering the CPE Certified Port Executive™ Program to fill the training gap.
“The CPE Certified Port Executive™ Program is a program designed to enhance the skill sets of port executives,” said Capt. Jeff Monroe, who is the program designer and instructor. “We needed to offer a program for executives that built on their experience and allowed both senior and up-and-coming personnel to enhance their management capabilities,” said Monroe. “This program is designed with an intensive focus on port management and development from the executive’s view point.